Baptiste Nayrand

Rhone Valley
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Baptiste Nayrand

Rhone Valley
Baptiste Nayrand
Certified Organic
Rhone Valley
300 – 700 meters


If you zoom in on the city of Lyon via a traditional French wine map, to the north you’ll see Beaujolais—closest by, its southern stretches called the ‘Pierre Dorées’—and to the south, the northern Rhône. But there’s connective tissue between the two famous regions, an area that, especially pre-phylloxera, once flourished with vineyards: the Coteaux du Lyonnais.

Having only gained appellation status in 1984, the region has been obscured for some century or more, even though it was heavily planted to Gamay after phylloxera, then separated from Beaujolais by edict in 1938. What this means is that nearly 90 years ago, people in the Lyonnais were seeing and understanding that this region has something distinctive to offer, wines that build a bridge between the structure of the southern Cru Beaujolais and the wild intensity of the northern Rhône.

Bordered by the Monts du Lyonnais, at the eastern edge of the Massif Central, this is a sloping, hilly region, occasionally dotted with vineyards at high altitudes (300 – 700m) on south or southeastern-facing slopes. Some of these steep vineyards are even built to old terraces, echoing the region’s famed viticulture to the south, with intense grades and serious elevation.

Baptiste Nayrand got his start as a vigneron in this appellation mostly by happenstance: he wanted to leave his less-than-satisfying career in marketing for a chemical company to do something that would combine his love of working outdoors with a passion for wine. Having lived in Lyon for some time, Nayrand had been drinking a fair amount of natural wine; in 2015, an internship with Julien Guillot at Clos des Vignes du Mayne confirmed his path of organic farming and natural winemaking for his own domaine. Later in the year, Nayrand started out with 3.5 hectares of vines and a garage below his home in the southern village of Millery to produce his own Coteaux du Lyonnais.

Nayrand’s petite, garagiste domaine has been certified organic since that beginning year; he also practices some biodynamic principles. Of his work, Baptiste has written a tidy summary, evocative of the man: detailed, transparent, and to the point, but belying wines with an intensity and soul that come from more than just the processes.

‘The vineyards are maintained without any chemical products, pesticides, or synthetic fertilizer. The soil is plowed to encourage microbial activity. Parallel infusions of horsetail, nettle, comfrey, and willow are used to reinforce and structure the vines during their vegetative period, and to reduce to a strict minimum the use of copper and sulfur. [In my use of] biodynamic methods, I have the constant objective to recreate the harmony between elements: mineral, vegetable, human, and cosmos. Vinifications are done exclusively with native yeast, without sulfur dioxide, and without any modern oenological products. All vinification takes place without the use of temperature control (neither heating or cooling), as the objective is to infuse the grapes rather than to extract them. As a result, there are very few punchdowns or pumpovers executed, for the sake of respecting the integrity of the grapes as long as possible, as well as to obtain maximum finesse and complexity. Conscious of the health of our customers, we reduce the quantity of sulfites in the wine to the strict minimum to guarantee a better digestibility and an ivresse joyeuse (literally a joyful inebriation, but it sounds better in French).’

Ivresse joyeuse, indeed: these wines are beguilingly wild, not for the faint of heart: both perfumed and structured, Gamay with a Gallo-Roman soul and something of a feral beauty.


Coteaux du Lyonnais Gamay 'L'Astrale'

Still / Red
Certified Organic

Certified organic. 100% Gamay. Whole-cluster fermentation in fiberglass tank, élevage as well; around six months. Sourced from three parcels (Archette, Combarinel, et le Coutouis) of 60 year-old vieilles vignes trained in goblet; total surface area 1 ha—these are Baptiste's oldest Gamay vines in Millery; as such this wine is only produced in the best years. Unfined, unfiltered, no added SO2.

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Vin de France Gamay 'Toit du Monde'

Still / Red
Certified Organic

Certified organic. 100% Gamay. Toit du Monde' comes from old vines planted in 1929 in the commune of Bibost, located up in the hills further away from the city of Lyon. The vines are between 500 and 700 meters in altitude, planted facing east on a vein of blue diorite similar to that found on the Côte de Brouilly. After making his first few vintages in a his garage in Millery, Baptiste decided to move his home and winery to Bibost in 2020, where there is more open space and less encroachment from the city. He continues to farm the vines around Millery, and has added additional vineyards in Bibost.

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Vin de France Gamay VV 'Sauvage'

Still / Red
Certified Organic

Certified organic. 100% Gamay. Whole-cluster fermentation in fiberglass tank, élevage as well; around six months. 'Sauvage' is a tour de force wine for Nayrand: coming from century old goblet vines in Millery, this wine has the finesse and juiciness of Gamay with an intensely savory backbone. Baptiste allows this parcel to go nearly wild - hence the name Sauvage. The grass isn't plowed, the shoots aren't trellissed and allowed to grow long, and the result is truly inspiring and unique.

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